No safety, No return!
Many workers are being asked to work in unsafe environments. Many more will be asked to do so as they return to work over the coming days and weeks.
The Anarchist Communist Group (ACG) is launching a No Safety, No Work campaign. This is a campaign to be led by workers trying to keep themselves and others safe at work in the time of Covid 19. We know that the working class cannot rely on employers or the government to keep us safe.
Tens of thousands of people have died in this pandemic, and even more are killed in the work place every year. None of these deaths were inevitable but were the results of the greed of the bosses and the rulers of our society. As more and more people are returning to work, the government has not passed a single law guaranteeing workers safety but has issued guidance to employers. This is not enough to keep us safe.
See more here:
Public Zoom meeting to discuss the No Safety, No Work campaign by the ACG. Link to the meeting via the eventbrite.¬if_id=1594172201289759
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
La Tarcoteca

sábado, 11 de julio de 2020
sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020
George Floyd Solidarity In The Bay Area: Representation And Power
Source- George Floyd Solidarity in the Bay Area: Representation and Power - It's Going Down 29.5.2020 Anonymous
A Critique Of Weaponized Identity Politics Used To Silence Rebels And Gain Political Capital. Written By Anarchist People Of Color And Originally Published To Indybay.
This is an open letter to provoke an alternative political position to the weaponized authoritarian use of identity politics. Self-pronounced leaders in the Bay Area have tried to insinuate that anyone who desires conflict with the police after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis are “White people [who] DON’T get to use Black pain to justify living out riot fantasies.” As if the real white fantasy isn’t people of color policing their own behavior in order to save the white supremacist society from being destroyed. This is an old trick that is worth being exposed, again.
Power operates through representation. In court it’s “the people” vs. the defendant, the state purports to represent all people against the criminal activity of an individual. In movements it’s the leaders who pretend to represent us when saying it’s not time or it’s not safe for us to revolt, usually hiding behind the vulnerability and power of the uncontrollable youth of color. They mediate our rage in order to gain a seat at the table of power. They are aspiring politicians. This type of power, similar to state power, operates on false binaries. George W. Bush told us “you’re either with us, or with the terrorists” and the movement leaders tell us “you’re either peaceful or you’re a provocateur”, or in this case they weaponize identity politics for obedience to their ideology: “you do what we say or you’re white.” They erase the rage of people of color because they cannot gain power from us. Since it is impossible to choose between such ridiculous choices “we are led into the realm of tolerance and relativity that is so dear to the bourgeoisie” ( Vaneigm, 1967). We are forced to choose a side where in the end, hierarchical power remains intact, and thus the ruling order only changes in branding.
As insurrectionary anarchists of color it’s important to demystify a few facts:
when the youth of color decided to take the 580 freeway on 5/28/20 it wasn’t movement leaders they called for support- it was us, because we love their rage and want nothing but for them to be successful and safe. After all it’s because of our failures that they live in a world where police continue to murder with impunity, yet movement leaders are constantly drowning out their grief, rage, and agency with calls to give peace a chance, all in the name of same youth they are repressing. Representation is impossible with an uncontrollable force, because it is not legible or respectable, it can’t get you votes or make you look good on the internet. In this particular case the “leaders” are visibly out of touch with what is actually happening in the street.
Our political desire is not to consolidate power through identity politics. The nationalist failures at decolonization revealed that the colonial structures of the State and racial identity as a whole must be abolished in order to gain our freedom. Categories are only useful in analytically understanding power, but I am not only my oppression. It is not an essential characteristic of my being; my love for my comrades is, my desire for total freedom is, the joy I receive in rebellion during upheaval is.
Until all the prison doors are open, and the border comes crashing down, we’ll see you on the barricades.
A Critique Of Weaponized Identity Politics Used To Silence Rebels And Gain Political Capital. Written By Anarchist People Of Color And Originally Published To Indybay.
“We must never forget that the insurrectionary project belongs to the masses alone; organizers help it – leaders betray it.” – Raoul Vaneigem
This is an open letter to provoke an alternative political position to the weaponized authoritarian use of identity politics. Self-pronounced leaders in the Bay Area have tried to insinuate that anyone who desires conflict with the police after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis are “White people [who] DON’T get to use Black pain to justify living out riot fantasies.” As if the real white fantasy isn’t people of color policing their own behavior in order to save the white supremacist society from being destroyed. This is an old trick that is worth being exposed, again.
Power operates through representation. In court it’s “the people” vs. the defendant, the state purports to represent all people against the criminal activity of an individual. In movements it’s the leaders who pretend to represent us when saying it’s not time or it’s not safe for us to revolt, usually hiding behind the vulnerability and power of the uncontrollable youth of color. They mediate our rage in order to gain a seat at the table of power. They are aspiring politicians. This type of power, similar to state power, operates on false binaries. George W. Bush told us “you’re either with us, or with the terrorists” and the movement leaders tell us “you’re either peaceful or you’re a provocateur”, or in this case they weaponize identity politics for obedience to their ideology: “you do what we say or you’re white.” They erase the rage of people of color because they cannot gain power from us. Since it is impossible to choose between such ridiculous choices “we are led into the realm of tolerance and relativity that is so dear to the bourgeoisie” ( Vaneigm, 1967). We are forced to choose a side where in the end, hierarchical power remains intact, and thus the ruling order only changes in branding.
Solidarity demonstration with the uprising in #Minneapolis against the police murder of #GeorgeFloyd. This Friday 5/29 8pm Downtown Oakland Oscar Grant (14th & Broadway). …
148 people are talking about this
As insurrectionary anarchists of color it’s important to demystify a few facts:
when the youth of color decided to take the 580 freeway on 5/28/20 it wasn’t movement leaders they called for support- it was us, because we love their rage and want nothing but for them to be successful and safe. After all it’s because of our failures that they live in a world where police continue to murder with impunity, yet movement leaders are constantly drowning out their grief, rage, and agency with calls to give peace a chance, all in the name of same youth they are repressing. Representation is impossible with an uncontrollable force, because it is not legible or respectable, it can’t get you votes or make you look good on the internet. In this particular case the “leaders” are visibly out of touch with what is actually happening in the street.
Our political desire is not to consolidate power through identity politics. The nationalist failures at decolonization revealed that the colonial structures of the State and racial identity as a whole must be abolished in order to gain our freedom. Categories are only useful in analytically understanding power, but I am not only my oppression. It is not an essential characteristic of my being; my love for my comrades is, my desire for total freedom is, the joy I receive in rebellion during upheaval is.
Until all the prison doors are open, and the border comes crashing down, we’ll see you on the barricades.
domingo, 17 de mayo de 2020
Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago [Revised Version]

Abstract: The politics in the Philippine archipelago is dominated by hierarchical and alienating politics as represented by reformism and National Democracy. Against these the paper forwards the liberatory politics of anarchism. The paper introduces anarchist concepts such as egalitarian organizing, mutual aid, and direct action for people unfamiliar with these concepts. After situating anarchism in the anti-authoritarian struggles in the archipelago, the paper also argues for a shift in the anarchist politics of the archipelago from an autonomist anarchism towards a revolutionary politics as a social movement.
There is a necessity for a liberatory politics in the Archipelago known as the Philippines and as anarchists we think Anarchism has the framework to fill this need. The dominant forms of politics we have now are insufficient for developing a liberatory politics in the archipelago. This liberatory politics becomes a necessity because politics in the Philippines is currently an alienating affair—a politics done to people rather than people doing politics. We are also dominated by domineering structures and institutions like the market, capitalism, and the state. Against these we forward the liberatory politics of anarchism for a world beyond domination.
Download PDF: Towards an Anarchism in the Philippine Archipelago (revision 2020-04-04)
domingo, 8 de marzo de 2020
Sabotage Tactics: "Wheel Hunters" vs Police Vehicles
If you look closely almost every police intervention requires vehicles. And even the Power Rangers need wheels. The vehicles and not radio or riot gear, not even the policemen themselves, are the key to their capacity to intervent. A mobile unit without mobility is just useless.
It can not be understood why there are still areas that suffer the militarized police ravages that do not use this easy and so effective tactics.
First of all the wheels are not punch, but cut to be precise. Cutting wheels in any of its variety and situatios [Here Manual in spanish] is by far the easiest, cheapest and most effective method to counterrest its immediate repressive action.
Especially organized in coordinated parties of "Wheel Hunters" (see below).
I.e. a campaign of 20 vehicles per day for a week would collapse car cranes, workshops and some stocks. To increase the kaos, also cut the wheels of these same car cranes.
We agree that burning vehicles is in any case the most effective and definitive but has a number of drawbacks: alert all the rest of cops, reinforcements are call, they use to carry fire extinguishers in their vehicles, they will be likely to initiate an CSI investigation and request CCTV records, which could initiate a repressive campaign, if you get caught in the action they will charge you with terrorism and murder attempted, and much more dangerous, you will face a shot instead of a blow.
The easiest target to punctureare are the unattended cars and motorcycles. These are surely not part of the patrols involved in demonstrations or raids. That means that is less effective.
The most important objetive to be punch are POLICE VANS. They are the preferred objectives since it can stack 6 to 10 hitmen and its action.
- Wait for the van to be stop, empty and the pigs away. Obviously if there are pigs inside they will jump out to defend it.
- Inside there will always remain the driver, but he will not get out unless he catches real fire. Of course, he will alert his teammates by radio.
The easiest is to move by motorcycle or bike, even on foot, and puncture unattended vehicles.
It is not difficult, but dangerous, to cut wheels at the height of a police intervention when two conditions are met:
- the cops decrease the attention in the vehicle, they are distracted and
- they are away from the vehicle so that they would not reach you in a foot race.
- Sneak: If they are distracted with something but close to the vehicle, be very careful and use stealth and concealment to evoid alert them. Not recommended due to the risk of alert.
- Distraction: The cop have to be far from the vehicle so even if they are aware of you they can not reach you running. In that case you will not even need any stealth. Take advantage of the opportunity and run. Have ready an escape route. Not recommended due to reveal you in fraganti.
"Wheel Hunters":
Pack Hunters of 2 or more people. RECOMENDED as it combines distraction and stealth, creating the necessary diversion to hit furtive and safely.
- One person per wheel, minimun 2 wheels, preferably the one behind the co-driver, sneaky approaching from the blind spot of the vehicle, take the opportunity to cut the wheel. Estimated time: 5-10 seconds.
- One or more taunt the hitmen to catch their attention and if possible make them move them from their vehicles. Do something that call the attention of the cops and make them move close away from the vehicle. Some times a riot, or a fake fight, or just insulting.
Estimated time: the one the cops take to stay away from the car or van. They usually have little patience.
More information at: "Sabotage techniques: how to puncture wheels and tires" Es 17.3.2012
Spanish version: Técnicas de Sabotaje: "Cazadores de Ruedas" vs Vehículos Policiales 8.3.2020
It can not be understood why there are still areas that suffer the militarized police ravages that do not use this easy and so effective tactics.
First of all the wheels are not punch, but cut to be precise. Cutting wheels in any of its variety and situatios [Here Manual in spanish] is by far the easiest, cheapest and most effective method to counterrest its immediate repressive action.
Especially organized in coordinated parties of "Wheel Hunters" (see below).
I.e. a campaign of 20 vehicles per day for a week would collapse car cranes, workshops and some stocks. To increase the kaos, also cut the wheels of these same car cranes.
We agree that burning vehicles is in any case the most effective and definitive but has a number of drawbacks: alert all the rest of cops, reinforcements are call, they use to carry fire extinguishers in their vehicles, they will be likely to initiate an CSI investigation and request CCTV records, which could initiate a repressive campaign, if you get caught in the action they will charge you with terrorism and murder attempted, and much more dangerous, you will face a shot instead of a blow.
The easiest target to punctureare are the unattended cars and motorcycles. These are surely not part of the patrols involved in demonstrations or raids. That means that is less effective.
The most important objetive to be punch are POLICE VANS. They are the preferred objectives since it can stack 6 to 10 hitmen and its action.
- Wait for the van to be stop, empty and the pigs away. Obviously if there are pigs inside they will jump out to defend it.
- Inside there will always remain the driver, but he will not get out unless he catches real fire. Of course, he will alert his teammates by radio.
The easiest is to move by motorcycle or bike, even on foot, and puncture unattended vehicles.
It is not difficult, but dangerous, to cut wheels at the height of a police intervention when two conditions are met:
- the cops decrease the attention in the vehicle, they are distracted and
- they are away from the vehicle so that they would not reach you in a foot race.
- Sneak: If they are distracted with something but close to the vehicle, be very careful and use stealth and concealment to evoid alert them. Not recommended due to the risk of alert.
- Distraction: The cop have to be far from the vehicle so even if they are aware of you they can not reach you running. In that case you will not even need any stealth. Take advantage of the opportunity and run. Have ready an escape route. Not recommended due to reveal you in fraganti.
"Wheel Hunters":
Pack Hunters of 2 or more people. RECOMENDED as it combines distraction and stealth, creating the necessary diversion to hit furtive and safely.
- One person per wheel, minimun 2 wheels, preferably the one behind the co-driver, sneaky approaching from the blind spot of the vehicle, take the opportunity to cut the wheel. Estimated time: 5-10 seconds.
- One or more taunt the hitmen to catch their attention and if possible make them move them from their vehicles. Do something that call the attention of the cops and make them move close away from the vehicle. Some times a riot, or a fake fight, or just insulting.
Estimated time: the one the cops take to stay away from the car or van. They usually have little patience.
Whatever you do, not get caught!
More information at: "Sabotage techniques: how to puncture wheels and tires" Es 17.3.2012
Spanish version: Técnicas de Sabotaje: "Cazadores de Ruedas" vs Vehículos Policiales 8.3.2020
viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020
2nd International Meeting: 3 Days Against Techno-Sciences – Italy, July 2020
Source - 2nd International Meeting: 3 Days Against Techno-Sciences – Italy, July 2020 2.3.2020 325nostate
This year too, we are proposing an informal, convivial and international opportunity for discussion and reflection among individuals and organisations engaged in building an analysis and a critique of what we may call the technoworld. A world which is going through an epoch-making paradigm shift, where all bodies and our very experience have become one of the most important new raw materials. Engineering of the living and digital control are increasingly replacing a large part of the previous market of commodities, which are becoming obsolete. On a planet which has been plundered well beyond its biological limits, the re-designing through synthetic biology and artificial reproduction in a eugenic key of human beings and their management represents the new path forward. This of course for those who will be included in the new power arrangement, for the others no plans have emerged, or perhaps the fact that they have not been presented is already an answer in itself, they will certainly not be satisfied with merely marginalising a part of the world.
For those who ask where the current system, based on systematic exploitation of the planet, can find a way to reorganise itself, incorporating into its discourse the farce of sustainability, the answer lies in taking over human beings themselves: managed, influenced and addressed in their behaviour so that they themselves produce processes which can turn them into commodities. This is the true essence of green and sustainable policies to save the planet from so many catastrophes, of which climate catastrophe is only a part. Human beings who will soon be genetically edited in a process of ongoing perfectibility, where the body will be seen as a limit to be overcome, where what is human will be considered an error, and must therefore continuously adapt to a machine world. A techno-scientific adaptability which will become the only possibility. We can now seem how the cybernetic paradigm, according to which “the environment we live in has always been so radically modified that today we are forced to modify ourselves”, takes a material and dramatic shape.
One of the main motors of this process is so-called artificial intelligence, increasingly pervasive, which does not impose is will by force, but is moving into every sphere of our existence, without giving us time to understand where and when this process began, and especially makes it superfluous or impossible to understand its more profound processes.
In these months, we have been seeing how quickly the 5G network is being launched in the world, and how this merely represents the beginning of the overwhelming flow of the internet of commodified bodies. We have also seen in China the management and control of millions of people through the 5G network and other surveillance technologies, in order to handle the quickly spreading Coronavirus contagion. Control and management on such a vast scale has never before been seen o attempted. An experiment which closely involves the international scientific milieu, the one that wears a white smock over camouflage: never has such a huge laboratory been thought of before, and the old form of totalitarianism, in a large part of the world, is fading off to make way to soft control and management of bodies, more effective however than repression and barbed wire. As supporters of artificial intelligence and their transhumanist fans have repeatedly announced, the real strength and power of these technologies lies in the fact that they intervene in dealing with the new and most critical challenges the planet will be facing in the near future. We have become used to war as a model for reinforcing power and creating and managing new markets. Today, there is also something new: a cybernetic and transhumanist paradigm which expresses itself through algorithms, often leaving it to these to solve problems, something which is blended in the lab with surprising efficiency, where apps and prescriptions dressed up as suggestions sent by smartphone in China have turned millions of people into sanitary prison guards of themselves.
Around us, profound transformations need to be understood, the analyses we make with the usual interpretations are limited and reductive, they are not able to grasp today’s transformations, power evolves and so must our analyses: this is the basis for undertaking and assigning priorities to fight for. How can one fight something one does not know? What one cannot understand? There are fundamental epochal shifts going on, shifts we need to understand. We have to see in which direction power is moving, before it fully implements its projects, so we do not come too late, and especially so they do not find us once again unprepared.
It is with this spirit that we are organising this year a second meeting, scheduled for the month of July, in order to involve organisations and individuals from various countries already engaged in a profound and clear analysis of the present, and actively involved in opposition to the developments of techno-sciences. An involvement which may break the glass window of inevitability through which too many stare passively at the course of events. A meeting to reinforce critical thinking in discussion with other organisations and individuals, who may follow different paths, but share a common desire to understand what is going on around us.
We shall focus on smart cities, 5G networks, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, artificial reproduction of human beings, genetic engineering and redesigning of living beings through synthetic biology.
The programme, place of meeting and exact dates will be made known shortly.
Since this meeting is entirely self-organised and with very limited means, please help us spread this text wherever there may be listening ears and burning hearts, worried about the near future which is already our present.
Collettivo Resistenze al Nanomondo
For information and contact:,
PDF Second international meeting: [Eng], [It], translation to [Esp]
This year too, we are proposing an informal, convivial and international opportunity for discussion and reflection among individuals and organisations engaged in building an analysis and a critique of what we may call the technoworld. A world which is going through an epoch-making paradigm shift, where all bodies and our very experience have become one of the most important new raw materials. Engineering of the living and digital control are increasingly replacing a large part of the previous market of commodities, which are becoming obsolete. On a planet which has been plundered well beyond its biological limits, the re-designing through synthetic biology and artificial reproduction in a eugenic key of human beings and their management represents the new path forward. This of course for those who will be included in the new power arrangement, for the others no plans have emerged, or perhaps the fact that they have not been presented is already an answer in itself, they will certainly not be satisfied with merely marginalising a part of the world.
For those who ask where the current system, based on systematic exploitation of the planet, can find a way to reorganise itself, incorporating into its discourse the farce of sustainability, the answer lies in taking over human beings themselves: managed, influenced and addressed in their behaviour so that they themselves produce processes which can turn them into commodities. This is the true essence of green and sustainable policies to save the planet from so many catastrophes, of which climate catastrophe is only a part. Human beings who will soon be genetically edited in a process of ongoing perfectibility, where the body will be seen as a limit to be overcome, where what is human will be considered an error, and must therefore continuously adapt to a machine world. A techno-scientific adaptability which will become the only possibility. We can now seem how the cybernetic paradigm, according to which “the environment we live in has always been so radically modified that today we are forced to modify ourselves”, takes a material and dramatic shape.
One of the main motors of this process is so-called artificial intelligence, increasingly pervasive, which does not impose is will by force, but is moving into every sphere of our existence, without giving us time to understand where and when this process began, and especially makes it superfluous or impossible to understand its more profound processes.
In these months, we have been seeing how quickly the 5G network is being launched in the world, and how this merely represents the beginning of the overwhelming flow of the internet of commodified bodies. We have also seen in China the management and control of millions of people through the 5G network and other surveillance technologies, in order to handle the quickly spreading Coronavirus contagion. Control and management on such a vast scale has never before been seen o attempted. An experiment which closely involves the international scientific milieu, the one that wears a white smock over camouflage: never has such a huge laboratory been thought of before, and the old form of totalitarianism, in a large part of the world, is fading off to make way to soft control and management of bodies, more effective however than repression and barbed wire. As supporters of artificial intelligence and their transhumanist fans have repeatedly announced, the real strength and power of these technologies lies in the fact that they intervene in dealing with the new and most critical challenges the planet will be facing in the near future. We have become used to war as a model for reinforcing power and creating and managing new markets. Today, there is also something new: a cybernetic and transhumanist paradigm which expresses itself through algorithms, often leaving it to these to solve problems, something which is blended in the lab with surprising efficiency, where apps and prescriptions dressed up as suggestions sent by smartphone in China have turned millions of people into sanitary prison guards of themselves.
Around us, profound transformations need to be understood, the analyses we make with the usual interpretations are limited and reductive, they are not able to grasp today’s transformations, power evolves and so must our analyses: this is the basis for undertaking and assigning priorities to fight for. How can one fight something one does not know? What one cannot understand? There are fundamental epochal shifts going on, shifts we need to understand. We have to see in which direction power is moving, before it fully implements its projects, so we do not come too late, and especially so they do not find us once again unprepared.
It is with this spirit that we are organising this year a second meeting, scheduled for the month of July, in order to involve organisations and individuals from various countries already engaged in a profound and clear analysis of the present, and actively involved in opposition to the developments of techno-sciences. An involvement which may break the glass window of inevitability through which too many stare passively at the course of events. A meeting to reinforce critical thinking in discussion with other organisations and individuals, who may follow different paths, but share a common desire to understand what is going on around us.
We shall focus on smart cities, 5G networks, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, artificial reproduction of human beings, genetic engineering and redesigning of living beings through synthetic biology.
The programme, place of meeting and exact dates will be made known shortly.
Since this meeting is entirely self-organised and with very limited means, please help us spread this text wherever there may be listening ears and burning hearts, worried about the near future which is already our present.
Collettivo Resistenze al Nanomondo
For information and contact:,
PDF Second international meeting: [Eng], [It], translation to [Esp]
viernes, 14 de febrero de 2020
PDF: How to Destroy Cell Phone Towers - 325nonstate
Fourteen arson attacks against telecommunications and mobile phone masts in the Bristol and Bath area took place over the last decade. This is the DIY manual they used on their incursions.
Thank you comrades!
Health! PHkl/tctca
Source - PDF: How to Destroy Cell Phone Towers 325nostate 13.2.2020
PDF: How to destroy cell phone towers
PDF: How to destroy cell phone towers
How to Destroy Cell Phone Towers
Standard size cell phone tower, used by two or three cell carriers.
Usually on the front of the installation there will be a sign noting the companies.
2-3 comrades
Entry tools (Boltcroppers, Wiresnips, etc)
Gloves, Mask, Clean Clothes, Hat, Cap or Hood (for DNA traces)
Fuel (500ml, White Spirit or Kerosene preferred instead of Benzine/Petrol)
Fuel (100ml of Benzine/Petrol)
Firelighters, Several Lighters, Long Pole or Stick (up to 15ft)
Thick Rags/Towelling (to absorb the fuel)
Small Tyre which is easy to fit in a rucksack (from Wheelbarrow, Quad Bike, Moto etc)
Stage 1. Recon the target. Locate the weak point in the installation, which is where the network cables depart from the mast vertical and enter horizontally or similar into the electrical source, which is usually either a small reinforced building or box. The exposed cables may be located at ground level or up to 15ft up the mast for example. Note estimated timings, entry and exit points, security cameras, motion sensors, lighting etc. Aim to execute the action within 15 mins.
Stage 2. Check and enter the site, climb the mast if needed, cut the cable ties that bunch the wires together at the weak point you located earlier. Wedge the tyre in between the cables securely and stuff the tyre with rags and wrap some rags around the cables climbing up the mast from that point. Soak the rags inside the tyre and up the mast with fuel. Take care not to cover yourself with fuel traces, prevent unneeded forensic evidence and do not set yourself on fire. If you are using a pre-made timed incendiary device place it inside the tyre and set it. Climb down.
Stage 3. If using a timed device, leave the site immediately. If not, check the site and your exit points quickly. This second check is to prevent any detection, unnecessary injuries or death due to the extended nature of the action.
Stage 4. Light the fire using a pole or stick wrapped with fuel-soaked rags, Benzine is better here as the wind can get very strong where these mast are located usually. Light the rags inside the tyre from a distance, getting as far back as possible. If the tyre is small, then the fire is smaller, and detection is lessened. Practice operating in windy environments to get used to using fire at altitude and in difficult circumstances. Leave immediately.
Usually on the front of the installation there will be a sign noting the companies.
2-3 comrades
Entry tools (Boltcroppers, Wiresnips, etc)
Gloves, Mask, Clean Clothes, Hat, Cap or Hood (for DNA traces)
Fuel (500ml, White Spirit or Kerosene preferred instead of Benzine/Petrol)
Fuel (100ml of Benzine/Petrol)
Firelighters, Several Lighters, Long Pole or Stick (up to 15ft)
Thick Rags/Towelling (to absorb the fuel)
Small Tyre which is easy to fit in a rucksack (from Wheelbarrow, Quad Bike, Moto etc)
Stage 1. Recon the target. Locate the weak point in the installation, which is where the network cables depart from the mast vertical and enter horizontally or similar into the electrical source, which is usually either a small reinforced building or box. The exposed cables may be located at ground level or up to 15ft up the mast for example. Note estimated timings, entry and exit points, security cameras, motion sensors, lighting etc. Aim to execute the action within 15 mins.
Stage 2. Check and enter the site, climb the mast if needed, cut the cable ties that bunch the wires together at the weak point you located earlier. Wedge the tyre in between the cables securely and stuff the tyre with rags and wrap some rags around the cables climbing up the mast from that point. Soak the rags inside the tyre and up the mast with fuel. Take care not to cover yourself with fuel traces, prevent unneeded forensic evidence and do not set yourself on fire. If you are using a pre-made timed incendiary device place it inside the tyre and set it. Climb down.
Stage 3. If using a timed device, leave the site immediately. If not, check the site and your exit points quickly. This second check is to prevent any detection, unnecessary injuries or death due to the extended nature of the action.
Stage 4. Light the fire using a pole or stick wrapped with fuel-soaked rags, Benzine is better here as the wind can get very strong where these mast are located usually. Light the rags inside the tyre from a distance, getting as far back as possible. If the tyre is small, then the fire is smaller, and detection is lessened. Practice operating in windy environments to get used to using fire at altitude and in difficult circumstances. Leave immediately.
Dispose of all materials used in the sabotage action and do not return to the site. Police scientific teams will extensively search the target’s area, entry and exit points, and routes to and from, for any trace of material they can use as evidence.
This recipe is open to be adapted and developed for use wherever it is needed, larger and more complex targets and systems need more developed plans of attack. Trial and error are the guide.
Against 5G & the world which needs it
This recipe is open to be adapted and developed for use wherever it is needed, larger and more complex targets and systems need more developed plans of attack. Trial and error are the guide.
Against 5G & the world which needs it
lunes, 3 de febrero de 2020

我们知道,最近有更多人在阅读我们在中国的网站。 我们希望收到您的新闻,经验和想法。
例如,关于由新病毒引起的紧急状态。 关于香港的起义。 警察监视。 社会控制的新技术。 您可以写信给我们,让我们尝试将无政府状态传播到任何地方。
For our comrades in China:
We know that many more people are reading our website in China recently.
We want to receive your news, experiences and ideas.
For example, about the State of Emergency caused by the new virus. About the uprising in Hong Kong. Police surveillance. New technologies for social control. You can write to us and let us try to spread anarchy everywhere.
We want to understand the lives of Chinese dissidents, insurgents, anarchists, and revolutionaries in the 21st century.
For a new wave of solidarity and the Black International.
Contact us and we can use encrypted communication.
For a new wave of solidarity and the Black International.
Contact us and we can use encrypted communication.
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