La Tarcoteca

La Tarcoteca

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Corp Bioterrorism against Mayan Jungle in Guatemala. REPSA hitmen kill enviromental defender Rigoberto Lima

Many times  from cities we wonder about the ravages of capitalism and how it affects our everyday lives without having a clear idea. Here we have a typical conflict in which all the ingredients are given. Under the banner of development, employment and social work, including environmentalism, the interests of a conglomerate premium against an entire population. The consequences are immediate. Our brother Rigoberto, a protest leader, has had to die to make us realize the magnitude of the problem. He was shot outside the courthouse the day of his victory by two gunmen on a motorcycle.

Mayan jungles are threatened and harassed by monoculture and pastures. In Guatemala it arises one of the most flagrant cases of corporative bioterrorism, crimes aganisnt nature, of recent times. Perhaps not by the importance itself of pollution but by the brazenness with which firms operate. Whith problems since the inauguration of the refining plant the REPSA or River Passion case jumped to highlights a few years ago in Guatemala, for the disastrous and immediate effects over the environment, death of thousands fish, hundreds of kilometers of river, tributaries and aquifers pollution, affecting the area retail economy in what has been called as ecocide act by the administration, the same that covers the case with impunity and permissiveness.

Refined palm oil is an industry that unfortunately is expanding. It has its own ecological limits due to extension, deforestation, chemical dependents of sickly monocultures and subsequent contamination of aquifers and affluents. It is alleged that the death of fish was produced by the use of the pesticide Malathion, wich is possible as there is not large seaweed masses. The option for the company could be to change the pesticide, making the production more expensive. But we fear that this is only a part of the story and is also pinpoint the plant residual untreated wastes. It seems that either want to spend money on waste treatment facilities because will rise the prize of the project and surely would make it unaffordable.

The company began operations 15 years ago without environmental impact assestmets, as state by the courts. Although the conflict jump both courts and  global media that not frightened the firm owners, determined to continue with the business at any cost. The company moved all possible ways and managed to make sign a document, headed by the mayor Rodrigo Pop and representatives of seven districts, which stated that "the company has no responsibility in the death of fish".

The company suffered a temporary cessation order of six months, responded by killing the people spokesman in the case, the teacher, and activist councilor Rigoberto Lima Choc, blocking roads, abducting at least three other speakers and threatening to kill the rest.

Typical: the government responds with evasives and proposals to militarize the area, to continue with the extractive and predatory activities of REPSA. We have found little or nothing about the company or conglomerate. Just a press spokesman. Nor web, or facebook, or references. Some indications point relation with Aceites Olmeca company. Being so powerful we should know at least the board. What do they hide? Who are they protecting?

Along with the pollution reaches the information noise. It is unclear whether the sanction was due to operate without impact assestments or by probed pollution, as the Falsimedia keep talking about "alleged contamination" when contamination is evident and is the only source.

We emphasize in the use of workers as REPESA shock troops, alleged perpetrators of the facts, arresting, kidnapping and death threats against local fighters and staging protests against judicial decisions. This is not new in capitalism. The degree of despair, lack of perspective and alienating is so high that it is not difficult to get set against forces that should work together. In the twenty-first century no scabs are needed.

It is curious that the company is tricky  called palma "Reforester"  instead of oil producter or refiner. It is covered with a green halo at BP oil company style, responsible for the Gulf of Mexico spill in 2011, one of the largest ecological disasters in history, for which has not been held accountable to anyone. They engaged in robbing the forest and planting palms, killing all traces of biodiversity. The same effect as if it had a desert.

It si not clear what ares the next steps to follow, but not take action on the matter sentence the entire area to suffer the consequences of pollution and deforestation in brief. If the community were to lose the litigation and environmental degradation continue at the Passion River [río de la Pasión], about 100-200,000 people would lose their livelihoods, must leave the contaminated area and flee to the cities to join his corresponding misery belt, the ghetto. To capitalism it is more important  a master's factory tham a 650,000 people population and a hole ecosystem.

From the tarcoteca condelencias with relatives of Rigoberto, a hero. We encourage everyone to participate in the protection of natural spaces. All support and solidarity with the Mayan and Guatemalan community in their struggle against capitalist predation. They are giants with feet of clay, not as strong or as powerful as they said. Go for them! tctca

Tarcoteca spanish translation/version española

Desastre ecológico en el río La Pasión. es

REPSA, councill, military, agricultural camera and Falsimedia accomplices in contamination of the Maya jungle
Palma Africana: The Farce of Corporate Social Responsibility | CMI Guatemala
REPSA is part of a five palm company conglomerate in the Palma group Sayaxche, a newly created umbrella group of palm companies operating in the municipality, and that drives monoculture in order to earn a "social license" for through media campaigns and public relations.

In that effort they have joined the municipal government, the army, the Agriculture Chamber  and other palm companies: Tikindustrias, Palmas del Ixcán, NAISA and Unipalma. In that campaign to win over the population, they decided to sponsor the Sayaxché football team, named the fury of passion, paradoxically named after the now severely polluted river that unleashed the fury of its inhabitants.
Professor Rigoberto Lima Choc murdered in Sayaxche
Professor Rigoberto Choc Lima was killed with firearm a few minutes ago facing the court in the Center Sayaxché neighborhood, Petén. According to witnesses, at noon on Friday two men driving a motorcycle shot and kill Lima Choc.

Professor Lima was a key player in the process against the REPSA company.

He lived in the village Champerico, where he worked as a teacher in school. This community has been one of the most affected by the spill to be the nearest facility REPSA, so that suffers most directly coercion, so that neither COCODE dared to participate in the complaints.

According to the attorney Paau Saul, Professor Lima was the first person who wnet to the capital to publicly denounce the company REPSA for committing ecocide in the river The Passion. In a boat photographers and cameramen took to observe the effects of the spill on the river of the Passion. He made delations to the competent authorities, even before the other organizations support.

The professor was elected 5th Team Councillor of José María Cabnal mayor, from the National Unity of Hope party -UNE. Source: journalists and people from Sayaxche.
Suspected workers used as shock troops of the company 
Front Line Defenders
The September 18, 2015 the human rights defender Prof Rigoberto Choc Lima was killed later the abduction of three human rights defenders, Messrs Hermelindo Asij, Lorenzo Perez and Manuel Mendoza. The three human rights defenders were released later.

Rigoberto Choc Lima was the first person to document the environmental damage that occurred as a result of the activities of the Reforestadora Palma de Petén SA Company-REPSA in the Passion Riber.
Hermelindo Asij, Lorenzo Perez and Manuel Mendoza are members of the Committee for the Guatemala Defense of Life and Nature and of the Council of Displaced People- CONDEG, and also work in the local support community in the exercise of their economic and social rights. The June 11, 2015, the CONDEG filed a complaint regarding the ecocide.

On the morning of September 18, 2015, a demonstration organized by REPSA workers at 315Km, to protest against a decision taken on September 17, 2015 by Judge Karla Hernandez, who temporarily suspended the activities of the company while research on pollution of the river is performed. About 6 am, while Hermelindo Asij, Lorenzo Perez and Manuel Mendoza passed the Km315 on its way from Coban to Sayaxche, were arrested, forced to get off the car and surrounded by protesting workers. They allowed the human rights defenders briefly contact their families and colleagues, and protesters detained, informing them that were so because of their alleged involvement in the closure of the company. The contact with the three defenders was lost shortly thereafter.

By midmorning, 600 REPSA workers occupied the San Benito Petén Administration of Justice Centre- CAJ, retaining 100 employees, lawyers and clients. Despite of calls for government intervention by the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations Office and several non-governmental organizations, there was no response. At approximately 12:30 pm, Judge Karla Hernandez and assistant Attorney General's office came to the Center to demand the release of detainees in the CAJ. However, they were warned to stay away or they would also be kidnapped. At that time, Rigoberto Choc Lima was shot dead in front of the magistrate of Sayaxché, where he was seeking government intervention along with other human rights defenders.

At 5:30 pm, Hermelindo Asij, Lorenzo Perez and Manuel Mendoza were released, as well as others held illegally in the CAJ. The human rights defenders reported being threatened to be burned alive.
To know more:
Desastre ecológico en el río La Pasión - Guatevision es 9.6.2015
Informe de nuestros archienemigos de OXFAM 2013 sobre el poder de las industrias de aceite de palma, es:

viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2015

Crowdfunding campaign to create a Libertarian Social Center in Cuba. TLAL

Where to Address our donations: Centro Social Libertario en Cuba - GoFundMe

TLAL statement: 
Seen at ANA Agencia de Noticias Anarquistas, tarcoteca spanish version

The borders are opening after many years, and changes in Cuba predict new possibilities and dangers for the Cuban society. It is essential, therefore, reinforce the work of those that from Cuba defend a critical, anti-capitalist and antiautoritarial system-world , the same machine expressed every day more clearly in the national life.

After more than a decade of social and political activism in the Critical Cuban Observatory and five years as part of the Alfredo Lopez Libertarian Workshop  (Tlal), we have identified as the main difficulty for our performance and expanding for our social impact, the lack of a permanent base, which allows to build community and shape our identity stronger and lasting way.

Who we are?

The TLAL is a specifically anarchist collective, which has hold a systematic activity in recent years, radicalizing their proposals and keeping a strong anchorage in Cuban society and their communities. We have succeeded in a short time to ser the annual Libertarian Spring Meeting in Havana, where we seek to merge thought and anarchist or libertarian action on the island. In addition, we issued a modest printed newspaper, Tierra Nueva!, with some troubles we tried to bring our critical vision to ordinary people, that which is majority and do not have access to Internet in Cuba, as well as promoting libertarian, anarcho-syndicalist, and naturist ideals, present in the country's history before the insurrectional victory in 1959, and whose impact beats hidden in the interstices of the now a day Cuba.

Moreover, we have embarked in major organizational efforts, along with other comrades in the region. Has been the foundation of  the Central American and Caribbean Anarchist Federation  network in March 2015 containing a large expansion and development potential.

Maintain this pace of projects and actions requires a physical space to come together, rehearse in practice show solidarity, cooperatives, horizontality, self-organization and autonomy.

What do we look for?

Given the imposibility to rent any space in Cuba, the option we propose is to buy a property, house or apartment, to found our Libertarian Social Center and Library.

Besides being the permanent headquarters of the Alfredo Lopez Libertarian Workshop TLAL for meetings and other activities, the local will host a Libertarian Library. This will be made with materials accumulated for years product of national, international, gifts or personal purchases. Will include all kinds both periodical or unique of publications, compact discs (CD-ROM) and DVDs, films, audio, etc. physical or digital publications. Priority will be given to those related directly or indirectly with anarchism, but also attend other related to social struggles throughout history, from any political perspective or area of ​​topics creation.

In other hands will take place tipical Social Centers activities: conferences, events, meetings, group meals, presentations of texts, parties, videodebates, meetings with foreign and domestic visitors from other provinces, concerts, readings, exhibitions, production, among others.

How much do we need?

For the purchase of local need euros 12,000. However, on our recent visit to France and Spain, thanks to the solidarity of libertarian comrades, we collected more than 1,000 euros. That's why, for the present crowdfunding, we are soliciting contributions to reach € 11,000 (eleven thousand euros).

Why do we ask?

Because we do not receive any state, government institution, or NGO funding. Nor do we wish to receive, to ensure our complete independence and non-subordination to any external agenda. Sometimes we have received donations from groups and individuals related to our principles, selflessly and unconditionally. Neither our practices generate any profit, rather the opposite. It is also known that with the average Cuban salary ($ 20 monthly), it is impossible to cover the high cost of housing in Cuba, no honest worker without exploiting others can afford.

Who will receive the direct benefit of the work of Libertarian Social Center and Library?

First, all who are part of the Tlal, and work without pay in that space, including the people who live there directly, and they take care of the premises.

Tlal outside, it is the community who first receive the benefits, as we intend to establish links with this, and make our space available. We can not understand a project of this type, detached from their immediate circumstances and people around him.

Also linked to the Critical Observatory Cuban projects in which we stay engaged, have a safe space in this office, to further consolidate its work.

Moreover, Cuban and international students and researchers will mainly in the Library a unique and valuable source of information.

It goes without saying that both libertarians and anti-capitalist visitors arriving to the island, and others in need of solidarity, have no place in our Center.

What we will return to donors?

We have not a lot of material to give in return, but our gratitude and good vibes. Of course, donors will have a space in our facilities in Cuba and access to all the center's services.

Furthermore, if allowed, we will include their email on our mailing list so they will receive the Cuban libertarian newspaper New Earth!

For those who want to publish their names, we have a list of acknowledgments on our website with those who helped realize this endeavor. We will send to each donor a detailed report of the use given to the collected funds.

Your cooperation is decisive, if we want to promote the anti-capitalist and libertarian ideal in Cuba and the Caribbean.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

Spain: International Call to Action against "Juncture Trident 2015" NATO maneuvers

Tarcoteca adds to the international appeal from the various Spanish state anti-military organizations to demonstrate against the military exercises organized by NATO armies in October and November 2015.

Apart from the facts highlight below there are two capital facts we do not want to pass unnoticed.

First is that the spanish Minister of War and Arms Dealing Pedro Morenés qualify the maneuvers as "high visibility" (es). And that's what they really are, a publicitary campaign. The maneuvers serve to many functions: control, propaganda, training and capital diversion, but the real school of death is at the war front. These maneuvers are an triumphal propagandistic walkover. Is in our hands subverting this propaganda and ruin the campaign, bringing protests on the media front page and sending a message of hope to mankind.

The second is that the propagandistic manouvers not only point to threat Russia or China. As if dealing with dogs using a childish conditioning based rewards and punishments to make things clear through the inclusion of the Fascist Democratic Ukraine. They offer prizes to their lackeys making them participate in the military system, profits and financing their armies and fascist parties. The fascist dogs wait anxious for their bone, their opportunity, in Poland, Hungary or the Baltic countries. Those who do not follow the script know what are facing: a coup. Is the case of Ukraine itself, Belarus, Moldova, Macedonia and Bulgaria.

We want to leave it clear to these corporations mercenary criminals  that despite all their weapons or even if they keep throwing bombs on us:
No Pasaran!

Translation/ Traducción: Tarcoteca spanish version

Published 3.9.2015, las edition 24.9.2015
This is a text Based on: Call to Action against NATO maneuvers "Juncture Trident 2015"
We have add and we have delete. If you want the original: Original: Insumissia 01.09.2015 with its own eng version at

From October to November 6, 2015 will take place the NATO High visibility maneuvers "Trident Juncture", mainly in Italy, Portugal and the Spanish State. With the participation of more than 36,000 killers from 30 different states, the maneuvers will be "the most important NATO exercise during 2015" and "the largest NATO deployment after the "Cold War" in the last decade, according to the own Spanish War Ministry.

War scenario: you are the target
Nato call him collateral
More than half of the criminal force, 20,000 mercenaries, will be deployed at eight points of the Spanish State: the  San Gregorio (Zaragoza) and Chinchilla (Albacete) National Training Centers, the 'Alvarez de Sotomayor'  Maneuvers and Shooting field (Almería), the Sierra del Retin Amphibious Training Camp (Cadiz), Albacete air bases, Son San Joan (Palma de Mallorca), Torrejon (Madrid) and Zaragoza. Also the US Marines from Moron de la Frontera participate in the "super maneuvers".

When will be the manouvers?
The maneuvers will have two distinct phases:
- one of command center and "simulated post war" situation (Command Post Exercise, CPX, from 3-16 October), which will take place within the headquarters of the participating states,
- and another real stage exercise (Live Exercise, LIVEX, from October 21 to November 6, 2015), in which different naval, air operations, ground offensive, amphibious landings, paratroopers launches actions in urban environment, interventions in CBRN environment [nuclear, radiological be tested, bacteriological and chemical] and performance of special operations forces, among others.

In the Spanish state most of the military will be deployed at San Gregorio HQ (Zaragoza), although Andalusia also has an important role during the maneuvers. At the moment, they have already built a large camp in Zaragoza Air Base for up to 1,600 cannon fooders.

With these maneuvers NATO will implement the lessons learned in the criminal war and occupation of Afghanistan. Will practice how to militarily intervene in northern Africa with larg force, focus in the invasive aspect. Will test how to get control of water, minerals, hydrocarbons and natural resources in a context of profound environmental degradation and energy shortages.

Focus on Africa
NATO is interested in Africa bacause of the potential conflict related to climate change and because it has a great wealth of natural resources: minerals (platinum, chromium, manganese and cobalt, among others) and hydrocarbons which represent a large proportion of the global reserves.

In the game of power on Africa Spanish state has an important role, such as maintaining the security of natural resources transport routes (from Red Sea and the Horn of Africa), in addition to its own military and economic interests. Therefore the vast majority of the Spanish State military missions takes place on the continent or Middle East. Spain is responsible for controlling the "southern border" of the European Union, to stem the migration of people fleeing poverty or war, ensuring that the effects of the policies of exploitation of the continent do not impact on European strength. The Spanish State is the spearhead of NATO in Africa [as seen in Libia war].

Message to Russia, China and glorification of fascism
But the NATO exercises are designed to send a message of strength and pressure to Russia through partial or indirect wars on its neighboring territories. In this respect the participation of Ukraine - is not formally a member of the alliance- is more than significant. Trident Juncture not only serves to show Russia the NATO's military ability (and willingness), is also used to train the cooperation with the Ukraine Fascist Armed Forces. However, the main message is not for Russia, much less for the Islamic State, Al Quaida and others, whose existence and armed actions are used as justification and war propaganda. It is more likely that the main message is for China, a country with strong economic and strategic interests in Africa. China is now investing in many African countries, building infrastructure to ensure natural resources supply - especially minerals. To stop China's expansion in Africa, the main competitor of the member states of the Atlantic Alliance, is one of the hidden reason of these "supermaneuvers". All this is part of the imperialist competition between the military powers and their dependence on the commercial interests of transnational corporations.


Trident Juncture maneuvers protect only a privileged minority, increase global military spending at the expense of vital investment in social and humanitarian needs, such as fighting the dramatic consequences of the capitalist crisis, remedy environmental degradation, promote fair trade, solidarity or economic cooperation for the overall development of the planet. Only in 2014 world military expenditure was 1.8 billion dollars, while in 2016 the State Spanish will waste 24,489.96 million € in preparation of war and social control. Nowday the 5 countries with the highest military spending in Western Europe are France, UK, Germany, Italy and the Kingdom of Spain.

Their "supermaneuver" increase insecurity in the world and particularly to us, positioning ourselves as main stage of war operations. We bring the war at "home", we become collaborators of the NATO crimes, and therefore the target of war foes, encourage terrorism, social division, racism, fear ...

Armies and these maneuvers all represent a bloody burden for the world progress. Are means of irrational destruction, of economic domination, of ideological and to "conquest of power" we need to free ourselves for the good of mankind and Earth.

Therefore, and due to its high relevance, we call for global solidarity and cooperation of societies in the struggle for real democracy, social and environmental justice and sustainable redistribution of wealth and resources the planet.

We call for civil disobedience and direct action against Trident Juncture 2015 NATO maneuvers.

Several groups are preparing protests and civil resistance during the development of "supermaneuvers". We ask for your support and cooperation. We also invite to decentralization and self-management the protest (Organize your own disobedient action and get coordinate with the others).

From the pacifist and anti-militarist movement in Andalusia there are several initiatives to organize civil disobedience actions in Barbate from 30 October to 3 November (against Sierra del Retin Amphibious Training Camp) with the support of Antimilitaristic Alternative MOC and the Antimilitaristic European Network.
In Zaragoza we are organizing protests from 3 to 6 November (San Gregorio Camp will be again protagonist of the militarist barbarism).

It is urgent to show our rejection of war and the new threat of NATO. People have the power and responsibility to stop the greed and violence, improve our fragile little world.

Zaragoza, Planet Earth, to September 1, 2015.

Liason Contact : Mambrú [AT]

Andalusia Liason: Andalusia [AT]

More information will be regularly updated on the web "Insumissia" (, section "NATO maneuvers" Trident Juncture "2015".

Short Link to section: