By Pablo Heraklio Published KAOS Source La Tarcoteca 4.5.2021 translation thefreeonline
Juan Carlos I will go down in the Annals of History as one of the worst and most abject monarchs of an era. He killed his brother, took his father away from the crown, was involved in the death of his cousin, plotted several coups in his country, many others abroad, orchestrated the GAL [1] (state sponsored death squads) together with military groups, decorated all the Dictators he could [2], also torturers and murderers, trafficked in arms and used his position to defraud his personal fortune, doing more service to Switzerland than to Spain.
He let us enjoy a wonderful state infested with fascists in the high military, police, judicial, political and business commanders, where war criminals went unpunished and were amnestied without trial; avoiding the recognition or compensation of the victims [Amnesty Law 1977 (3)].
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This infestation became the current ruling oligarchy, which was later joined by representatives of the various international corporations.
But that was not the worst at all. His narrow-mindedness and personal greed place the Spanish oligarchies in the midst of an international conflict that is getting bigger and bigger every day.
45 years ago Juan Carlos I « Swap the former colony in exchange for being able to keep the crown – canarias-semanal. [4]» 2021. Now Spain is involved in the Sahara War for control of the Blood Phosphates.In Morocco [5]a geopolitical conflict is underway for global food security, as important as the control of oil reserves. Maybe more.

“Three countries, China, the United States and Morocco control 67% of the world phosphates total, with Morocco 15%” – Ecología Política [6] Political Ecology 2012. Part of the phosphates exploited by both Morocco and the USA are plundered from Western Sahara.
The dust of these lands naturally fertilizes large areas of the planet, other continents, from the Amazon to Europe or Africa. The concentrated salts of fertilizers pollute aquifers and land, generating wastelands, dead water, and requiring constant chemical rectification. Thus, the very functionality of global ecosystems is also at stake.

International Military Conflict
A conflict no longer commercial, but open military; but silenced by what have already been called Blood Phosphates, started on Nov 4, 2020 with the declaration of the State of War of the Polisario Front [7].
In this war we are seeing actors like the USA, France, Israel, China or Spain pushing political and military pressure. Beyond gas and oil is the business of world fertilizers, potash, phosphates, nitrogen compounds in Saharawi lands.
Behind the fertilizers is the entire transnational agrochemical industry [8], the Big-Agro: Cargill, Monsanto, Nutrien, Northwach, Paradeep Phosphates, Ballance-Agrinutriens.
Sahrawi sands are transported around the world and treated in a thousand ways to obtain the fertilizers that are consumed by intensive agriculture from Murcia, Huelva, Castilla y León or Aragon to Nigeria, New Zealand, Australia, Egypt, India or China, affecting thus to the food security of these countries, and hence its geopolitical importance …
The size of the contest
This is the size of the contest, that the USA has sent its Sixth Fleet.
It has taken the Canary Islands as a control point for exports from the Mediterranean and North Africa. It is already maneuvering and showing his mastery of the area:
“Some maneuvers by the US affect air traffic with the Canary Islands – Canarias” 3.3.2021 [9]
«Threat from the United States and Morocco to Spain-» 16.3.2021 [10]
They knew something.
Since 2012 it has used the Canary Islands as its western drinking trough:
“The Island [las Palmas] will serve as a logistics base for the United States and its allies to intervene in the Sahel – La Provincia” 2012 [12]
To close the southern clamp they plan to control the area with the building of a new base to the south of the area:
«Competition heats up for NATO Sahel compound contract – 04/07/2021 – Intelligence Online» 2021 [13]
France maintains a large contingent to the east in Mali, central Sahara desert, to ensure control over the uranium mines, fertilizers and the northern Sahel, despite popular protests.
“France’s Impressive Military Deployment: More than 30,000 Military in Five” Spheres “of Influence” 21.1.2021 [14]
Morocco has been a faithful ally of the United States since the times of Hasan II and provides american corporations with natural resources plundered from their own people and from the Saharawi. It is both an ally and a competitor of Spain:
«Morocco offers the US a base to close Rota: Mohamed VI gives facilities to the Americans» 2020 [15]
At this stage of the war, Spain provides arms to both Morocco and the Polisario Front while negotiating with Mohamed IV [actual king and ruler] the future of the companies that will exploit potash and phosphates. Everything in its place:
“Spain declared war on the Saharawis by selling and giving arms to Morocco in full offensive in Western Sahara” 3.5.2021 [16]
Russia is not so affected since its agriculture is extensive and moves towards its Siberian districts. China is an interested party, but for now it does not seem to speak, although sooner or later it will be affected. Everyone has a plan.
Transnational extractivism, the new Colonialism
The interests of Spain are very clear:
«The ships and companies that plunder the phosphates of the Western Sahara occupied by Morocco>> Sahara Press Service 2018 [17] and «“Spanish companies exploit the riches of Western Sahara –” 11.18.2021 [18]
They represent European interests and stand against Moroccan interests; and of the Sahrawis.
As you can see, the damn Ibex35 [spanish stock market] is the hand that rocks the cradle. Here are some infamous protagonists: Abengoa / Javier Benjumea, Acciona / JM Entrecanales, Gamesa-Siemems / Andreas Nauen. Although also others less known as FMC Foret/ Mark Douglas-Javier Carratalá, Jealsa / Elena Chamorro, EuroPacífico, Granintra / Luis Jimenez Chirino, IsoFotón / Carlos Zambudio Jimenez, Ership / Gonzalo Alvargonzalez Figaredo, NETMAR / Ángel Riva Fierro, Meripul / Conrado Merino Inyesto or Troulo among many others.
Construction, fishing, energy, agrochemical; and military: Expal (explosives) / Jose Luis Urcelay Verdugo, MAXAM (explosives) / Urcelay himself with Juan Carlos García Lujan, Instalaza / Leoncio Muñoz BuenoMBDA (missiles) / Eric Beranger, SAPA (artillery) / José María Berasategui Liceaga , Indra (electromechanical) / Fernando Abril-Martorell .
All of them share a set of crossed interests far beyond the monetary, strategically, since the control of trade in the area and access to low-priced food that interests countries such as Germany, France or the USA is at stake. .
Not separately, but together and under pressure from third parties they are capable of moving the Spanish state machinery to force a deployment of military forces in the area.
Silent conflict, Spain in a proxy war
This colonizing process in Spain was called the Empire and the decolonizing Decadence of the Empire. This new recolonizing movement will be called Disaster.
The interests of Spain, of its oligarchies, are once again trans-Mediterranean and open conflicts are envisioned with the sending of troops in the medium-long term.
Spain, the exploiting businessmen, yearn for phosphates, at the strategic mandate of the European powers, whose access was cut off due to the puerile Rogue Maneuver.
If the Sahara had been duly decolonized, Spanish companies would calmly exploit those resources and get a great geostrategic prize, maintaining a defensive and containment stance against Morocco.
Which would have given him access to other types of contracts and perks, such as exchanges for fishing, agricultural or hydrocarbon quotas. An Ace in international negotiations.
The loss was not only billion dollar, it was strategic, comparable to losing the Strait of Gibraltar. This can be understood by even the most fanatical fascists [supporters of the king, who make the deal with Hasan II].
Too much power for one person. Due to the clumsy and greedy maneuver of the robber Bourbon, the Spanish oligarchies, representatives of international powers interested in the fight - just look at the composition of their directors boards -, they come themselves into conflict with Morocco; with the USA rolling as the referee.
Now they have to adopt an offensive posture instead, which implies strain and depletion; decrease in profits and assumption of losses of all kinds.
For this they need military support and justify interventionism:
–Arm both Morocco and the Arab Republic of the Democratic Sahara SADR,
conflict and mutual aggression. At first, the objective is to contain
the conflict in the two countries but maintaining the threat of an
extension to the neighboring countries.
–Training squads to interrupt the exploitation of resources, threatening to force the intervention of third parties; meaning EU-NATO.
Spain delivers armaments to Morocco, a poisoned gift. Spain will provide arms in exchange for commodities and money, bleeding both adversaries. For this, it is essential to increase the tension between the fighters; which usually involves attacks in both countries, possibly using some fraction of Al-Qaeda / Stay Behind network.
This rearmament will be strategically counterproductive in the future. But who cares, if by now the quarterly balance works out.
Spain, the breadbasket of Europe, has the support of the EU, and when the time comes it will play its card with NATO, which gives it an advantage.
If this war has not transcended to the public, it is on the one hand due to the media lock, since the same companies that invest and finance the mass media are those that invest and finance the Agrochemicals and plunder companies mentioned above: armed banks [19] such as BBVA, Santander Bank, LaCaixa Bank; the own Ministry of Defense of Spain; international investment, hedge and venture capital funds such as Black Rock, Vanguard, Capital, JP Morgan, Berkshire Hathaway.
And the policy of professionalized recruitment, which transforms the state army into a mercenary army at the service of these oligarchies; that covers any military intervention with a cloak of opacity and impunity. We are in the silent conflict phase.When will we see an open conflict?
In other words, how is a casus belli generated? Attacks and terrorism. How is a war morally fueled? Fascism. The rise of fascism in Spain [20], France, Italy, Germany, is not accidental. This Recolonial situation did not occur in the decades of the 80s or 90s.
The conflict that today is in its initial phases will worsen; we do not know the specific terms and times. But we can intuit how it will happen: All wars have three phases: pre-war or preparatory, confrontation or operational, and post-war or outcome. The first one already has happened and we didn’t even know about it.
Since war was declared by the Polisarian Front we are in the operational phase and we can expect several events:
1-We know that right now the government of Pedro Sánchez is involved in the preparatory phase of supplying arms to both parties. This escalation is essential. Fait Accompli.
2-As we have seen in Syria, Libya, Yemen or Iraq, the intervention of the powers is limited to air and maritime control, while land operations are delegated to local militias/ irregular armies. The conflict can continue set like this for years, allowing a comfortable plundering of resources.
-The next intervention would be the sending of training commands and training of military cadres that promote war operations between both countries. Surely they are already underway in the various academies and training camps.
-Then after air and customs control; a phase in which the United States has already entered and which will accompany Spain from Rota and Las Palmas. Developing.
It should be followed by the increase in skirmishes and military assaults in the SADR. Later in Morocco and Mauritania. Finally in Europe. The worst geostrategic decision, a door for Popular Revolution.
3-The milestone will be the leap to public opinion. Possibly the first attack in Spain, either under a false flag or a real one, or against Spanish interests abroad.
When it happens, all the corporate media will vomit their usual infoxication in unison.
This will be the signal to authorize direct intervention. This could be the worst geostrategic decision made by the Spanish oligarchy since the Sahara Exchange.
It will coincide with a period of internal instability/ ecological transition that we are already experiencing due to the accumulation of crises to which would be added the diversion of funds to the military. It would fill the barracks and factories of impoverished people; and flowers at cemeteries. Reigning fascism.
Finally, the hard repression of the protests that arose against would arrive, posing scenarios more similar to those of the Melilla War of 1909 than to those of No-to-Iraq War in 2004 [wide spread riots instead of pacific prostest].
It will be the moment of disaster, because It will mean not a government, but a domination of fascism as we have not seen since the days of Franco’s raids. The burning, volatilization, of resources would suppose the gradual dysfunctionality of the State, with all that this implies.
Let’s hope we’re wrong, but the scenario is very possible; the national oligarchies are very scared. The Germans too. The crown of Juan Carlos will cost Felipe VI many more deaths. Will he hold on?
From an objective point of view, the Sahara War is part of the struggles to maintain the Capitalist-Oil system, characterized by: cheap energy, centralization of production, intensivism and industry on a world scale.
In the new context of shortage of high-density energy, hydrocarbons and plastics -peak of oil- Capitalism-Post covid19, it will mean that the less energy for transport will reduce the intensity of the production and distribution of goods.
This push for a decentralization of production, including food, and de-scaling of industry; deglobalization and the creation of new economic blocks. The importance of the world’s phosphates may have a peak, but it will diminish in the long run, and a military adventure would only serve to waste resources that would otherwise be used for a much more lucrative rearrangement.
But of course, this decentralization supposes a net loss of power, to which the aforementioned companies and governments are not willing. We are seeing the last throes of an old system that breaks down, and in a big way.
The reality is stubborn, the more they insist on their military adventures, the faster their fall will be, because the faster they will lose supports, burn their resources and increase internal resistance to the putrescent regime; and sooner we will approach to our revolutionary moment. [21]
They won’t stop until they destroy the planet.