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Spanish Civil War - The fight never to be forgotten! 2019 Calendar mixing old posters with contemporary artists works
Con el aniversario de la tragedia que rodea el fin de la guerra civil...
On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the 1939 infamous conclusion of the Spanish Civil War, please support us in bringing some of the most iconic republican posters back into the hands of art and freedom lovers in a beautiful, timeless calendar, contextualized with a parallel set of contemporary art works.
Our objective is to cover your wall with powerful women figures posters and their vibrant messages. And to present, on the same page, some contemporary art, from a handful of engaged, international young artists.
From left to right, here below is what happened to us:
First we fell in love with this vintage calendar template,
Then we discovered all sorts of powerful women republican posters,
Then we invited a dozen contemporary artists to collaborate,
And finally we have set up a new calendar, all the art into one place.
How we came about this project
The obvious WHY of this 2019 Calendar project is the 80th shameful anniversary of the 1939 closure of the Spanish Civil War, won by Franco's fascist traitors.
The 2nd motivation is that I want to pay tribute to the more than 500 volunteers from my old country of birth – Romania - (one of them a late great uncle). Many of them never returned, fighting and dying along the International Brigades.
3rd reason is the strong urge to expose our daughters and their young friends to some powerful female role models. And Gd knows, we, as a society, today, we all really need to reinforce and support these women figures. Therefore the 12 pages of the calendar are populated with some strong women figures.
What is more important is that some of the money raised will reward JACA (https://jacalibertaria.wordpress.com), a special organization, hosting the graphic works of a number of our collaborators.They accepted to render the old Spanish Civil War message of fighting the odds in front of adversity, but from a more contemporaneous angle.
Why we can do it
Our 2019 Republican Calendar Project is done with a modest budget and a small infrastructure (there are just two of us, in Montreal, and Bergamo). It is done under our previous publishing press umbrella - Bookata (http://www.bookata.com/republicancalendar2019/).
We exist to print, promote, and preserve works of literary vision, to foster a climate of cultural preservation, and to disseminate books in a way that benefits the arts and freedoms. We focus on reviving content that have gone out of favor or out of print, publishing works from around the world, and, with this project in particular, championing the work of young female artists.
I want to give special thanks to Dario Carta, our Italian graphic designer partner, and his tireless energy in bringing this project to life. He's also a visual artist whose current progressively engaged projects can be found here (https://www.dariocarta.com/works).

One of Dario poster, Spain-inspired
The support and art contributions of so many young, engaged artists from around the world are also a proof / sign of the quality and solidity of the project. Here below their names and links to their powerful portfolios:
JULIA EME http://juliaeme.es
MARIE-CLAUDE GENDRON https://www.marieclaudegendron.com
MANU HINOJOSA NARVÁEZ http://nwocorpsystem.wordpress.com
ALFONSO “EL SETA” http://elsetaproducciones.blogspot.com
ANDREA VENDETTI http://behance.net/andreavendetti
CARLA BERROCAL http://carlaberrocal.com
ALBERTO BIFFI http://nintaistudio.com
BYRON MAHER http://byronmaher.com
SUZANA DAN https://suzishit.blogspot.com/
FLORENCIA KETTNER http://www.florenciakettner.com
YEYEI GÓMEZ http://yeyeigomez.com
DARIO CARTA http://dariocarta.com

One of the Spanish contribution, Manuel Hiojosa
Our 12-Month 2019 Calendars are vertical 8.5 x 11" when closed, and 8.5" x 22" when opened. We print on partially recycled glossy paper.
The calendar is still in the design phase and your feedback is welcome. Any other ideas we can incorporate? If your suggestions are too complex, we will incorporate them in a next iteration (2020).

Current page design...we are still open for feedback and changes
How you can Help?
Every dollar counts; whether you can give $5 or $1.500. Your contribution of any size will help us produce this work of art and history, as well as place it into the wall of freedom loving citizens as well as onto the walls of institutions, collectives, etc.
Remember, if the project isn't fully funded during our Kickstarter campaign, you won't be charged a dime (and, unfortunately, the calendar won't be published). You can always go back and change or cancel your reward level before the campaign ends. The opposite may also happen - to be blessed with an over-funding situation.
Here's more info about how that works if you're not familiar with Kickstarter: https://help.kickstarter.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005132473-What-happens-when-a-project-is-overfunded-
Not in a position to donate? Please know that word of mouth is instrumental in raising awarness and funding. Each person who shares this link bellow will contribute greatly to the making of our republican calendar.


...and so on, and so on...up to the whole palette of 24 illustrations (12 vintage and 12 contemporary ones).

All of the posters presented in this project were carefully selected, for free reusing allowed by "fair use", from one of the following collection:
Library of Congress, all posters are part of the Public Domain Server http://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/spcw/
UC San Diego Library, Southworth Spanish Civil War Collection, Spanish Civil War Posters https://library.ucsd.edu/dc/collection/bb06157271
NYU, Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archive, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Collection (initially deposited with Brandeis University) & Tamiment Library Poster Collection https://library.nyu.edu/locations/the-tamiment-library-robert-f-wagner-labor-archives/http://dlib.nyu.edu/findingaids/html/tamwag/alba_graphics_001/admininfo.html
Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte, Centro Documental de la Memoria Histórica - Los carteles de la guerra civil española (Spain) http://pares.mcu.es/cartelesGC/
Archivo de la Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Fondo de carteles, Carteles de la guerra civil (1936-1939),
Archives of City / Archives de Villeurbanne http://lerizeplus.villeurbanne.fr/article.php?larub=89&titre=les-affiches-de-la-guerre-d-espagne / http://lerize.villeurbanne.fr/le-rize/archives-municipales/
The downloaded posters presented in this project were electronically reworked by our team: archiving, scanning, editing, resizing, enhancing, cleaning and clearing of any digital imperfection. As such they are available from our website under CC Creative Commons licenses. https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/ https://commons.wikimedia.org/
Most of the vintage posters provide no explicit authorship. Whenever possible, the creator name is clearly mentioned. From a long list of artists (see a complete list below), we have retained a handful of works, representing powerful women figures. When the artist name is unknown, we have tried to highlight the printer house name or, whenever possible, the organization or ministry/department sponsoring the art (see list below).
Artists : Mauricio Amster, José Ballester, José Bardasano, José Briones Martinez, José Calandin , Enric Clusellas, José Luis Espert, Carles Fontseré, Hugo Gellert, Lorenzo Goñi, Aleix Hinsberger, Jaime Juez , Emeterio Melendreras, Gomez Nicome , Ricard Obiols, Ramón Puyol, Josep Renau, Vicente Vila Gimeno.
Sponsors / Funders / Departments / Organizations: Confederación Nacional del Trabajo, (Spain) F.A.I. (Spain) Unión General de Trabajadores de España (Spain) Ministerio de Instrucción Pública y Sanidad (Spain) Federación Ibérica de Juventudes Libertarias (Spain) Sindicato Profesionales Bellas Artes (Spain) Juventudes Libertarias (Spain) Socorro Rojo de España (Spain) Front Popular de Catalunya / Comissariat de Propaganda, Catalonia (Spain) Junta Delegada de Defensa de Madrid (Spain)
For more information, please write to us or contact one of the links:
Twitter: @repcalendar2019
Instagram: @republicancalendar2019
This project is, of course, scalable. The model below is for 100 calendars. We hope to have enough interest for 1000s.

Risk and Callenges
This is a first project...We cannot foresee major problems but printing and / or shipping hiccups can happen....
Printing will be done here, in Montreal, for a better quality control.
Shipping will be done....well, by myself, with the help of my daughter and some of her strong girlfriends.
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